Sunstone is assigned to Feldspar group of minerals. Aventurescence is optical effect that is visible in most of Sunstone pieces. It is caused by Goethite and Hematite inclusions that refract light between different layers of this gemstone. This effect makes Sunstone pieces look metallic and sparkly. The colors of this gemstone can be gold, brown, orange and even red. Since sun shares similar colors, it can be partly understood why Sunstone was always associated with it. Some ancient legends and myths explain that this gemstone was part of the sun or that it was a representation of Sun God. Some of the biggest resources of Sunstone today can be found in USA, Canada, Norway, Australia, India, China, Mexico and a few other countries.
Depending on the color of Sunstone, it can be more effective for different Chakras. Lighter color pieces (gold or orange) are the most useful for stimulating and clearing Sacral Chakra. Darker colors of Sunstone (red or orange) are more effective for cleansing & balancing our Root Chakra. Once these Chakras are in balance a person can feel more creative and have better leadership skills. Sunstone is also commonly recommended gemstone for people who lack optimism or motivation. Having a piece of gem around can provide additional joyful energy and make most situations brighter.
Amber Teething Polished Honey Bracelet Mixed With Labradorite and Sunstone
Eur2.55 - Eur5.05String Colour: Orange / Brown; Dimensions of Gemstone Beads: ~6 mm; Jewelry Weight: ~3.5 grams (Standard 14 cm); Shape of Amber Stones: Baroque (Round); Amber Stones: Polished or Raw; Dimensions of Amber Stones: ~4-5 mm; Amber Colour: Honey; String Type:...Eur2.55 - Eur5.05 -
Amber Honey Necklace for Baby Mixed With Labradorite Beads and Sunstone
Eur5.55 - Eur10.50Amber Colour: Honey; Necklace Closure: Screw Clasp; Jewelry Weight: ~7 grams (Standard 32 cm); Amber Stones: Polished; Gemstones: Labradorite and Sunstone; String Colour: Brown / Orange; Shape of Amber Stones: Baroque (Round); String Type:...Eur5.55 - Eur10.50 -
Amber Lemon Bracelet Mixed With Quartz and Sunstone
Eur2.60 - Eur5.00Gemstones: Rose Quartz and Sunstone; Dimensions of Amber Stones: ~4-5 mm; Amber Colour: Lemon; String Colour: Pink or Yellow; Anklet / Bracelet Closure: Screw Clasp; Dimensions of Gemstone Beads: ~6 mm; String Type: Polyester; Jewelry Weight (Standard 14...Eur2.60 - Eur5.00 -
Lemon Amber Necklace Mixed With Rose Quartz and Sunstone
Eur5.05 - Eur10.30Dimensions of Gemstone Beads: ~6 mm; Amber Colour: Lemon; Shape of Amber Stones: Baroque (Round); Jewelry Weight (Standard 32 cm): ~7 grams; Gemstones: Rose Quartz and Sunstone; Necklace Closure: Screw or Pop Clasp; Dimensions of Amber Stones: ~4-5...Eur5.05 - Eur10.30 -
Amber Honey Anklet Mixed With Sunstone and Red Jasper
Eur2.35 - Eur4.00Amber Stones: Polished; String Type: Polyester; Amber Colour: Honey; Shape of Amber Stones: Baroque (Round); Dimensions of Gemstone Beads: ~6 mm; String Colour: Orange; Dimensions of Amber Stones: ~4-5 mm; Gemstones: Sunstone and Red Jasper; Jewelry...Eur2.35 - Eur4.00 -
Amber Honey Genuine Necklace Mixed With Sunstone and Jasper
Eur5.25 - Eur10.50String Type: Polyester; Necklace Weight (Standard 32 cm): ~7 grams; Dimensions of Amber Stones: ~4-5 mm; Necklace Closure: Screw Clasp; String Colour: Orange; Amber Stones: Polished; Gemstones: Sunstone and Jasper (Red); Dimensions of Gemstone Beads: ~6...Eur5.25 - Eur10.50 -
Amber Lemon Genuine Stretch Bracelet Mixed With Sunstone and Quartz
Eur3.80 - Eur5.15Dimensions of Gemstone Beads: ~6 mm; Amber Colour: Lemon; Dimensions of Amber Stones: ~4-5 mm; Amber Stones: Polished or Raw; Jewelry Weight (Standard 18 cm): ~5 grams; Gemstones: Rose Quartz and Sunstone; Shape of Amber Stones: Baroque (Round);Eur3.80 - Eur5.15 -
Sunstone Gemstone Stretch Adult Bracelet
Eur3.55 - Eur4.75Gemstones: Sunstone; Jewelry Weight: ~7 grams (Standard 18 cm); Dimensions of Gemstone Beads: ~6 mm;Eur3.55 - Eur4.75 -
Amber Polished Honey Stretch Bracelet Mixed With Sunstone and Red Jasper
Eur4.15 - Eur5.65Gemstones: Sunstone and Red Jasper; Dimensions of Gemstone Beads: ~6 mm; Amber Colour: Honey; Jewelry Weight (Standard 18 cm): ~5 grams; Dimensions of Amber Stones: ~4-5 mm; Shape of Amber Stones: Baroque (Round); Amber...Eur4.15 - Eur5.65 -
Milky Amber Raw Teething Necklace Mixed With Amazonite and Sunstone
Eur5.70 - Eur11.00Necklace Closure: Screw Clasp; Amber Colour: Milky / Butter; String Colour: Orange; Necklace Weight: ~7 grams (Standard 32 cm); Shape of Amber Stones: Baroque (Round); Dimensions of Amber Stones: ~4-5 mm; Amber Stones: Raw; Gemstones: Amazonite and...Eur5.70 - Eur11.00 -
Amber Unpolished Honey Authentic Necklace Mixed With Sunstone and Gemstones
Eur5.30 - Eur10.30Amber Colour: Honey; Gemstones: Amazonite, Labradorite and Sunstone; Amber Stones: Raw (Unpolished); Necklace Closure: Screw or Pop Clasp; String Type: Polyester; String Colour: Grey; Shape of Amber Stones: Baroque (Round); Jewelry Weight: ~7 grams...Eur5.30 - Eur10.30 -
Sunstone Knotted Pink Gemstone Bracelet Anklet
Eur2.80 - Eur6.05Bracelet / Anklet Closure: Screw Clasp; Gemstones: Sunstone; Dimensions of Gemstone Beads: ~6 mm; String Type: Polyester; String Colour: Gray; Bracelet / Anklet Weight (Standard 14 cm): ~3.5 grams; Sunstone Colour: Pink; Shape of Sunstone Stones:...Eur2.80 - Eur6.05